Like last year's post, I'm taking advantage of the Amazon Associates program that Blogger and Amazon have teamed up on. In return for my linking to amazon (which I do all the time!), if someone actually buys something from one of my links, I get a (small) cut. Just wanted to mention it in the spirit of full disclosure, fully not expecting anything to come of it.
And now, on to the books!
$22.95 | October | Paperback
Undoubtedly Storey's key knitting book forhte fall, this book seems to be derived from that Life List Mem that circulated the internet a few years ago (My response can be found here). More than just a list, this book also has 122 tips and tricks to help you complete your knitting bucket liest, 33 yarn fibers to try before you die, 64 personalities to meet and 69 styles and traditions to explore at least once. There's a promotional sweepstakes for a trip to a fiber arts festival (Maryland or Rhinebeck - I'm not sure which), some Storey craft books and a fiber shopping spree. Visit their website for details.
$24.95 | February 2012 | Paperback
The author of The Essential Guide to Color Knitting Techniques
$35.00 | June 2011 | Hardcover
This book is billed as "a one-of-a-kind photographic encyclopedia of more than 200 animals and the fibers they produce." To me, this seems to be the yarn porn edition of The Knitter's Book of Wool: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding, Using, and Loving this Most Fabulous Fiber
$18.95 | February 2012 | Hardcover
I have a pair of jeans that I love which I've recently realized shouldn't be worn. I'm sure you have socks with heels and toes that have worn right through. This book seems to take a creative approach to the process of patching and darning. I can't wait to take a closer look!
Somewhat unrelated, I just now realized that Storey has The Sewing Answer Book
$22.50 | September 2011 | Hardcover
"If Betty White can host SNL, then it's time we give Grandma the credit she deserves."
From the description, this book seems to be part tribute to grandmothers, part pattern book. Knitterati share their stories of knitting with family members as well as patterns inspired by those family members. I'm always amazed by how contemporary vintage knits can look in modern yarns. Also, I have to say that this book touches a kind of sentimental and nostalgic note for me, and I'll probably pick it up.
$27.50 | Septmeber 2011 | Hardcover
I really liked the patterns in Custom Knits
$24.95 | September 2011 | Paperback
As previously stated, I'd love to hone my sewing skills. I think that because I don't take the time to do so, this goal could take a while. The up-side for publishers means that I pick up all manner of sewing technique books hoping that one will finally make me feel confident enough to sew an amazing dress. That kind of confidence will never come from a book. But this book looks so pretty and complete that I'll at least look at it and maybe even take it home with me in the hopes that it will explain everything I need to know
$16.95 | November 2011 | Hardcover
Bad holiday sweaters can happen to anyone, don't be that knitter! Appearently, this book is derived from a website (who knew there was such a site!?). While not a knitting book per se, I think this would be a great gag gift to any knitter!
$30.00 | October 2011 | Hardcover
I have both of Clara's other books and have found them to be extremely well researched and informative. To that end, I'm rather excited about this new addition to the series. I haven't really sen too many books that focus on the yarn being used (perhaps the only exception is Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn
$19.99 | November 2011 | Paperback
Ah, the perennial problem. Most stashbusting books fall a little short from my perspective. I'll check this book out when it publishes. I seem to fall for Melissa Leapman's patterns anyway. The ebook for this will also be available, and will also cost the same amount as the paperback.
$27.50 | September 2011 | Hardcover
I love Liberty fabrics. I love their store in London. I think I might just love this book. It looks absolutely lovely. I do have some Liberty fabric that I just don't feel good enough to sew. While I don't think this book will make me good enough to sew those precious fabrics, I'll probably end up buying it for the photographs!
So the interesting thing I found this year at BEA is that there really was a lot of emphasis placed on ebooks. Personally, I've switched over. Since I bought my ipad in July of last year, I haven't really bought a paper novel. I've bought craft books and comic books/graphic novels, but no novels. I often end up scanning the patterns I want to use to pdfs so I can view them on my phone or iPad while I knit.
It's fascinating to me, as someone in the book publishing industry, to watch this transformation from pbook to ebook. A few years ago, when all of this was new, I told myself that I loved the feel of printed books and I'd never read off a device. Here I am though. maybe it was the need tomove all my books (except the knitting ones!) into storage. Maybe it was walking around with Winter's Tale
The other thing I find fascinating about knitting books these days is the fact that authors can (successfully!) publish their own books. Knitterati like Cookie A and Ysolda publish their own books quite successfully without a publisher. To my knowledge, this doesn't occur in other genres. Sure, folks self publish books all the time. Where I think knitterati are unique is that it actually seems to work!
I'm hoping to get my hands on at least a few of these books to give them full on reviews. So look out for that in the future!