Yup. I still don't have a header and I'm not really sure what I did to nix that. I'll fix it later. I'm only on chapter two of this book, but I keep doing a chapter a day, and maybe this weekend I'll get a chance to do a bit more with it.
Anyway, onto the knitting.
I met an amazing woman today a
The Point. Her name was
Iris Schreier and she was doing a workshop on Modular knitting (I'm learning that there are a trillion different names given to this technique. She has some sort of involvement with
ArtYarns and told me the most amazing thing I heard today. She said that
Artyarns UltraMerino 4 can actually be machine washed, but that it shouldn't be dried! Folks! Do you know what this means?! It means I can actually wash the Embossed Leaves Socks I made! I just knew I wasn't going to wash them by hand...what was I thinking?
I've made a bit more progress on the
Jaywalkers. Here are some photos for you:

Here's the detail of the heel. I really like whatever stitch it is that was used for the heel. Every other stitch is slipped on the knit row, and I think the heels will last for a while. Those are the only parts of any of my socks that tend to wear out, so I think reinforcing that part is good. And the
Lorna's Laces has a hint of nylon in it, so that'll help the wearability as well.

This is what the Mountain Colors are doing on the leg. I like it a lot more than what the Mountain Colors are doing on the instep and the bottom of the foot, but I guess it doesn't matter as much since no one's really going to be paying that much attention to that area.
While these socks reinforce my desire for a pair of clogs, I couldn't help but notice that they made the transition from teal pants to grass green chuck taylors much easier on the eye than the white socks I was wearing today. They also seem to be knitting up so that they'll fit perfectly, which is something I was worried about.
I've been bad yet again. I bought more knitting books. I'm never going to knit all the patterns I want to knit from these books. I just keep finding more and more and more patterns. It took me almost a year to knit anything at all out of

So the new books I got are
Knitting Nature by Norah Gaughan and
Greetings from Knit Cafe. I got Greetings not only because the fabulous Nichole is gracing the cover and several of the pages inside, but because I noticed that there were quite a few patterns in there that I would actually be interested in knitting, and a bunch of them looked pretty simple too! I got Knitting Nature because I liked a lot of the patterns in the book, but I also thought that I would be quite inspired by it. I find I'm always drawn to nature and I really like to be inspired by it so it helps to have things that can bring me down to earth (so to speak) while I'm living in the city. I can't get the image of the cowl sweater with the spiral out of my head, and there was a nifty hexagon scarf that curled itself up into a spiral in there too. There were also some interesting guy sweaters in there, that were I to find someone worth all that cabling and tiny needles (no seriously dudes, size 3 needles for a whole sweater!? I'd lose my mind!) I might think about making one of those sweaters for them (note the word choice here. There's no way in hell I'm making either of those sweaters, but I could. And I can definitely think about it. I don't think even
I'm deserving of those sweaters). We all need those inspirational books don't we?
So because
Gauging Reactions is actually posting again and because she posted a pretty good meme, I think I'll do it. True to my comment on her blog, several of these are merely different subways or modes of transportation. I hope to add the beach to this list this year. I'm hopeful of actually
going to the beach this year. And yes, I'm still a beach snob and am terrified by New York beaches.
Where I've KnitWashington Square ParkThe RThe DThe NMetro NorthChicago's O'Hare AirportSeattle's AirportBellevue, WAIn a few airplanesRochester, NYI95 from NYC to ProvidenceBrewed Awakenings in Wakefield, RIThe PointWashington DC Metro