Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The HUGEST Sweater That Could

OMG! TWO posts this week?! What's going on!?

Here's the most recent status of the Reflection Aran Pullover, in pictures:
Reflection aran pullover - the horror part 1
You may notice the stripey colors close to the needle. This is what prompted the following...
Reflection Aran Pullover - the horror part 2
Yup. That's me getting down and dirty with a ball winder right there, and not the fun kind, if you know what I mean...
Reflection aran pullover - the horror part 3
Repositioning the stitches on the needles - note the lack of wine glass or tears! I was a very brave girl! (Total aside: iPhoto works amazingly well at getting rid of red eye! It's so much quicker than photoshop! I still haven't figured out how to get rid of red eye using photoshop.)

Here is where we currently are:Front of Reflection Aran Pullover take two

So here's what happened: EVEN THOUGH I SWEAR TO GOD I BOUGHT ENOUGH YARN, I ran out. So I bought more from Knit Picks. But the new yarn is a different dye lot (big surprise) and is visibly lighter than the original yarn. What I decided to do was rip back to the ribbing, and start stranding. So I'm knitting two rows with the new ball and two rows with the old ball. I'm hoping that this will help it look less odd, and also, I'm thinking that the stranding might lend a little more intrigue (as if this sweater needed more intrigue) to the front. It might make it look like it was hand dyed or something right? That's what I'm telling myself to get over the fact that I just ripped back a month worth of knitting. I am, however, finding that even though the chart is rediculous, that it's a bit quicker knitting the second time around, which is a total godsend, since my brother's been nagging me for the damn sweater since I got back to NY after Christmas.


Beta said...

wow, i'm so impressed that you didn't give up! Stranding sounds annoying, but it just might work. I got a little warm-fuzzy feeling when I saw the pic. w/ the stitch markers.
You look so determined. We're rooting for ya.
I owe my readers an update to the last entry I posted...

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so tragic. How horrible. You are, indeed, a very brave girl. Knit on!
BTW, love the new blog look!

CityMinx said...

Wait. No.

You're ripping? You're ripping the whole damn thing?????

Brave girl. You deserve chocolate.

Passionknitly said...

Cityminx: Not the whole thing, just down to the ribbing. It's a lot quicker knitting up now than it was before. I'm already on row 55 or something.

Jessica: Thanks for the comment on the aesthetic! Glad you like it!

Beta: Stranding is annoying, but I do so love your stitch markers!