I have quite a bit of work to do, don't I? God, what happened to October!? I think I'm so swept up in my BOSOX playing in the world series and RHINEBECK.
So I fixed the Berkshire pullover, but I don't have any new photos of it. I assure you it's done though. I started it three times in three different sizes. I did each sleeve twice - one because I cast on too few stitches the first time, and the other because my row gauge was a bit off. And I undid the neck and re-did it so it was in the middle of the sweater instead of off to the side.
The monkey socks are pretty much the same as they were when I showed them to you in the beginning of the month. I haven't done anything with them because I've been working on placemats for friends who got married in May. I realize I have a year after the wedding to get them done, but I'd really rather get them done sooner rather than later. My conscience was getting to me, so I started them.

I'm knitting four of them out of King Tut Cotton on size five Denises. One's done, one's almost done, and then I'll only have two more to knit. They're taking me about a week each to complete, which means I knit faster than I thought I did. :)
But what you really want is a RHINEBECK recap right?
Our NYC SNB gals holed up at Blogless Jill's parents' summer home for the weekend where we battled fruit flies, watched Hitchcock movies and knit our hearts out. THANKS TO JILL'S MOM FOR LETTING US STAY THERE!!!!
I did most of my buying the first day. I fought my way in and found some appropriate STR, then I stood in a line about three booths long to pay. This is what I came out with:

STR Medium weight yarn in Carbon Dating color-way.
After wandering around a bit, I also found some nice roving. I looked at it. I felt it. I coveted it. I bought it.

I'm not sure what it is, but I suspect it's some sort of silk/merino blend. It was way cheaper than buying yarn! I was surprised. After that,
Michelle was kind enough to wander around with me a bit to find a nice drop spindle.
I met up with a lot of awesome bloggers and folks on Ravelry. Met a bunch of people I probably wouldn't have been able to if I hadn't done the Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo.
Later on that day, I found some fabulous wool to knit the Spiral Pullover in.

Doesn't look like much does it? It's only about 1500 yards of Falkland Wool I got from Ellen's 1/2 Pint farm!
That evening, Blogless Johanna taught some of us how to crochet!

I think I actually got it!
So we went to bed, and woke up the next day ready to head back to the Sheep and Wool Festival. This time, I decided I wanted to focus on the animals. After buying a few buttons from
Briar Rose Fibers
I managed to find a bit more roving that struck my fancy

This stuff isn't as slippery as the other roving I bought, so I'm hoping it will be easier to learn with.
We went to the Alpaca and Llama jumping contest, then pet some of the sheep

And I saw a really elaborate Mohair Throw:

psst! That's a real mohair goat!
We wandered on over to the author tent to see if I could get the
Yarn Harlot to sign
Claudine's copy of her newest book. I had a moment of weakness. I don't have much more room for books on my Knitting shelf. In fact, I would say I have NO MORE room for books anywhere in my apartment. I still collect them though, and so, obviously, I had to buy Clara Parkes' new book
The Knitter's Book of Yarn. I also had to have her sign this book.
All in all, I'd say it was a pretty successful trip. there was apple crisp and apple ceider consumed. Famous bloggers like
Kate Gilbert and
January One were noticed. People seemed to have a fun time, and I walked away with some awesome yarn. For a weekend in which i probably had about the the maturity of a six year old, I'd like to thank my fellow SNBers for letting me be the goofy comic relief of the weekend! <3 you gals!!!