That's what I've been this weekend. Friday during lunch I hit up P&S with someone from work. My mother's birthday is towards the end of the month, so I bought her a bathrobe and the plan has been to embroider a light house on it (we're from Rhode Island, they're big up there...). I'd been wanting to learn how to embroider for quite some time. I bought a kit at the Bust Craftacular and I just haven't whipped it out yet. So I did. I read the instructions and decided that I would start teaching myself. I wanted to start on something for me so that I didn't screw up the lighthouse.

I've gotten a bit more than that done, but I ran out of blue thread, so almost all of the puffiness is done except the dog's butt. I think I found a bit more embroidery thread of that color lying around as I was putting some stuff away, so once I finish the light house I might come back to it. Speaking of the light house, here's what that looks like right now:

I'm not crazy about what it's doing up top, but I'm chalking it up to experience. Also, it shows that it's handmade right? :)
While I was at P&S I saw that they had the new issue of
Knit 1. I'm not a
huge fan of the magazine. I really liked the men's issue (enough for me to buy it even), but other than that I haven't been really crazy about the patterns because they're usually a bit wild for me. This issue still has some crazy patterns, but there are a couple others in here that I thought I might even like. So I took it home with me.
But the story doesn't end there! Saturday after belly dancing I headed to
The Point (if you haven't figured it out, I almost live's my equivalent of Cheers). I ran into
Katy and the Carolls and their knitting entourage. I showed them the dress below from the new Knit 1 mag and told them that I wanted to make it.

because I really do want to make this dress. I was looking at the colors of the
Manos Cotton Stria and finally settled on the ones below.

As I was swatching today I decided that it made sense to hold two strands of the
Cotton Stria together. The dress was originally made with
Lion Brand Homespun. I've got nothing really against Lion Brand per se. I've never worked with it, but the colors of the
Cotton Stria were too lovely to resist. It'll still be quite mod. Unfortunately now, I have to go back and grab a few more skeins of it so I can be sure I'll have enough now that I'm double stranding it.

The colors are less orangy than they are in that photo. Katy said she'd help me make a shift to go underneath so that I won't have to wear the dress with something on underneath. I'm hoping that this will be something that I'll be able to wear in the fall as well maybe with a shirt underneath or something.
Oh and I joined the Mason Dixon Knit Along (I'll put a button up there soon) and I'm a bit more than halfway done on the second hand towel. I think that's about on par with the amount of time I have to complete them.
Well, with the time I've got before I need to be in bed, I think I'll continue along with that dress from Knit 1.