I saw 10 of these hats in a weekend which is more than i can say I've seen knitted hats at any Comic Con before. Some con recon proved that it's Jyane Cobb's hat from Firefly (that's a ravelry link). I'm surprised that I don't remember the hat, so I might have to go revisit the shows at some point.
I also saw this hat, which I'm pretty sure is machine knit and mass produced, but I really liked it anyway.
The show itself was interesting as always with crazy costumes and rediculosity. I met Marnie there (Marnie, I forgot which blog was yours! Please let me know which one you are!)
In other knitting comic news, I recently received a review copy of Handknit Heroes. It's a new comic that focuses on a couple of teenage kids that have superhero abilities. It looks like it's off to a good start. I'm already rather curious about what's going on in it and what connection the knitting has in the strip. The comic comes with a knitting pattern too which is pretty cool.
I've been rather addicted to Wonder Woman right now. The January and February issues were awesome. Anyway, I think that's enough dork for the blog for now. I've got a BUNCH of reviews of knitting books I want to get up sometime soon. I'll work on that.
i meant to drop you a line on ravelry, but you beat me to it! my ex blog is over there on your sidebar (we makestuff), but because of inactivity, we shut it down (lame-o sisters). i will occasionally post over at yarni.tumblr.com - i'm trying to get better!
it was great to see you! did you catch a glimpse of joss? or daniel dae kim? woot!
I missed both!! WAH!
I'll admit my geekdom here and offer up my boxed set of Firefly as well as Serenity for your viewing pleasure. As long as I get them back...
Of course! I won't even do nasty things to them! I'm going to try to see if I can't see them on Hulu first.
I just saw Serenity sometime last year and actually remember it, so I'm set on that side.
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