Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Years Knitting Resolutions

A few days and perhaps a couple dollars short, but for what it's worth, I do have a few knitting resolutions up my sleeves. My non-knitting resolutions involved becoming more financially fit and more physically fit, so one of those is going to impact the stash and the knitting (hopefully not by too much).

  • I have a ton of yarn in my stash. I should use that before I buy more yarn (gift certificates to places like Knit Picks non-withstanding).

  • Knowing that I'm going to fail in my first resolution (it's not fatalist attitude, I just know myself), I'm going to try to significantly scale back the amount of money that I put into buying yarn. Perhaps the fact that I will hopefully be spending 2 nights a week at the Y will be helpful in slowing down my knitting so I won't have to buy as much yarn.

  • Knit a sweater. Or maybe a couple. I have a ton of yarn in enough quantites for sweaters. Teal mohair, hot pink mohair, heather grey alpaca....

  • Those are my top three. Of course, I want to learn a few new techniques that I don't know yet, and I think a lot of that will come into play when I start the sweaters. The grey alpaca is going to be a hoodie, so I assume I'll be learning a three needle bind off at some point. I love learning new techniques!!!

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